Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A Tribute to Fathers

Mother’s Day is such a big day in the hearts of most people, it seems as though Father’s Day goes virtually unnoticed. It will continue to be that way unless we acknowledge and equally honor the men who helped to give us life. With this in mind, I have to thank Eugene Stewart for even asking me to write a piece in recognition of fathers.

If you look at things from the outside you may miss out on what’s on the inside. In one person’s eyes you could seem to be upbeat, but with the next breath, someone else may feel that you are a deadbeat. As men, do the best you can while you can. Our children did not ask to be here, so let’s shine a light that they will always be proud to walk in. I did not know how big my dad’s shoes were until I became a father.

When I looked inside the word “father,” I was blessed to see words and meanings that made me proud to be a man. Inspired, I took each letter in the word, assigned it a representative word, and crafted a special meaning that enriches fathers’ overall message. It’s time that we break the word down so that we can build the man up.

F - FarYou can go as far as your mind can take you. This piece was originally a poem, but when I sent it in, Shawn thought it could benefit more men if I expanded it in to an article. The vision that gave birth to this article is a treasure that we all have. One way to go far is to look within so you won’t be without. How far do you want to go?

A - AfterThe woman comes after the man and the child after the woman. Whether or not you desire to be in first or second place, there must be order in your court. Someone has to be the head while another might be the tail. The objective should be to avoid dragging your tail in the ground and not lead your head in the wrong direction.

T - TearLife attempts to tear you apart and we often shed a tear for the fathers, sons, uncles, and nephews that we have lost. Everyone goes through something. What life brings your way can build you up or break you down. In the word build is U and I, and it will take all of us to be that village that raises our children. Handle your life with care like a package that has “fragile” stamped on it.

H - HeatReal love produces heat that will keep you warm and protect you from the bitter cold. In 1 Corinthians 13:13 it says “And these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.” Ali was the greatest and not just because he was the best boxer. He loved what he did. As you look at your children, think about how they came into this world. Helping bring life into this world is one of the greatest things you can ever do. The next greatest thing is helping to raise what you gave life to.

E - EarthAs long as you are on this earth you might as well get off your grass and plant some seeds into another life. Do you have a purpose-driven life? Have you found your calling? It has much to do with everything. Fruit falls right by the tree and should be ripe, not rotten. Are you in a dead-end job? You can use your talents and abilities to turn that situation into opportunities. Start today by helping someone. In turn, someone will help you. Stop acting sour and start
sowing seeds so we can all share in the reaping of your harvest. If it don’t apply, let it fly.

R - RaftLook at the word ARRIVE. Cross out the first R and place it at the end of the word. You should have A RIVER. When you arrive on time and with a purpose, things in your life will begin to flow just like A RIVER. If your life is not flowing like a river, but rather raging out of control, you may have to jump on your raft to survive.

Together we have looked at FATHER letter by letter and the discovery is that we can go FAR, if we know what we are AFTER. TEAR down your walls in your relationships so you can feel the HEAT that’s waiting for you on EARTH. Get on your RAFT so you can find your purpose that will flow your life just like A RIVER.

If we break down the word instead of the human then he will always go FATHER. FATHER than ever before—FATHER than you could have ever imagined. And if we FATHER our education we can move our trials and tribulations FATHER and FATHER away.

Derrick Hayes is the author of Derricknyms From A to Z and contributing author in Can Hip Hop Be Holy. For more information or to have Derrick Hayes speak at your next event visit , email, or call (706) 615-1662.

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