Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Today's word is Trash

Watch what you throw away. Trash to you is maybe treasure to someone else. Each moment you live can be gold or garbage for you

Watch what you throw away. Before you throw something away ask if someone else could use it. Examine yourself with a mental inventory thinking about things that you use and don’t use.

Trash to you is maybe treasure to someone else. The great thing about life is that we are all different. How you like to be treated is not how some want to be treated. The things you hate in a mate is the same thing that the new person will adore.

Each moment you live can be gold or garbage for you. Focus on living on purpose so you will have no regrets in how you did things in your life. When you are not doing what you love it is easy to look back and focus on the negativity in your life.

Tips to keep your gold from out of the trash:

T- Take a good look at it

R- Realize what you have

A- Ask for another opinion

S- Save it for later

H- Help someone before you hurt someone

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