Sunday, May 22, 2011

Today's word is Avenue

No matter what street or route you take there is always another path that you can take. Never get stuck in your own traffic. Find a way.

The children dictionary defines avenue as a wide street. Wide represents the world wide web that is in front of us all. If your main plan does not work will you give it up entirely or make adjustments.

Choice is a great thing to have is we use it wisely. When you are on the Avenue or block as we use to call it life comes at you like a fastball with a curve ball perspective.

Here are some empowerment steps you can take daily.

A- Adjust to oncoming traffic in your life

V- Visually see yourself doing better.

E- Erase out your mind past mistakes.

N- Never doubt yourself for too long.

U- Understand you can't do it all by yourself.

E- Expect change to happen for you.

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