Tuesday, December 7, 2010

How To Stay Positive

Copyright by Encouragement Speaker Derrick Hayes

In life you can be positive or negative. Just like there are two sides to ever coin. If you don’t use your head you can fall on your tail.

Through the word HABIT I will reveal to you 5 things that you can do daily to stay positive.

The word HABIT was chosen because it takes 17 to 21 days for a habit to be permanent in your life. Once the habit is cemented in your life it can be positive or negative. Guess what? Transformation is only three weeks away. Follow the HABIT formula to stay positive.

(H) Have hope. No matter what has happened to you it has not killed you. Knowing that should give you a feeling that the best is yet to come. When Barack Obama first started to run President not everyone believed in him. The Yes We Can campaign was the hope builder that kept knocking down the nope builders. Even if it sounds corny to you speak words to yourself each day like Jesse Jackson and say “ I am Somebody.”

(A) Accept who you are. Hope will wake you up to find out who you really are. Look in the mirror and love who you are, what you are and where you are in life. This is only the beginning to your destiny dynasty. The stage in life teaches you about handling responsibility. Before you rise up put yourself in position to know what’s going down in your life.

(B) Become better. Knowing where you are sets the stage for where you want to go. When the focus is in place the picture will be clear for you on what changes and improvements need to take place. Ask others close to you how you can improve? Use the feedback they give you and implement the things you can. Never stop striving to become better.

(I) Inspire Others. People will see the changes that have taken place in your life. Take notes on your journey through the good and bad. This will give you a blue print of what works and what you can teach others in their walk. There is no testimony without a test.

(T) Take your time. Be patient. Rome wasn’t built in a day but if you develop a quality product or service you will slowly win them over. Time is a valuable asset that you can’t get back. Make the most of it at all times. Work and test your results and keep working.

Realize you are full of hope. Accept who you are but understand that you can get better. Your success will inspire others. Give yourself a chance to see your dreams come true. Your HABIT is a formula for success that can help you stay positive.

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